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OSH show special/deals.

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Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
NW Burb of Chi Town
Please, Post up anything you see for a show discount.

I'll be up there all week. Hanger A, Booth 1004.
I'm looking for 14v Whelen Orion 650 wing strobes for my Cherokee. I ran the wires last year. Spruce had them on sale last year but I didn't have the funds after buying my plane in June 2016. Subsequent $$$ six month long 1st annual the year before (long story), really drained me. I'm hoping for a bit of a discount from either Spruce or AERO this year. I also have a OSH wish list of basic maintenance items I need that I'll be shopping for.

I'll start this...
10% Off PCU5000 Propeller Governors (thru Aug 31st).
Stop by for a 10% off flyer. Hanger A, Booth 1004. We will have 40 various PN units we can sell at the actual show his year (1st time). Stop on by for a flyer and say hello. Jason Klein and myself (Joe Mayer) will be there all week. We will have cutaway governors on display and more than happy to show how they work or answer any other prop questions you may have.

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