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Old"er" Pilot - New"ish" Airplane - Upgrades

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Jun 18, 2020
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OK, so after 29 years out of flying last July I applied for my first Class 3 medical since 1991 and discovered the fun filled tunnel of special issuance. Taking sertraline for a single episode of depression and boy what a difference that made. So anyway, after several missteps on the way to the certificate that cost me at least 3 months of delays, but my case is in DC and I'm must marking time.

I've flown 33 hours and have ALL the rust (mostly all?) scrubbed away. In October I came across an ad for a "like new" 1978 Piper Warrior II that turned out to be pretty true. 2400 TT, 680 SMOH and 150 STOH. It was based just a few miles from me and when the owner realized I was "local" he decided to just respond to me and keep his baby close to home. He had COVID at the time, pretty bad case too! So I kinda lucked out with a local buy discovered on Barnstormers.

Knowing my flying seasons (and my beloved boating seasons) are somewhat numbered, I decided to move forward with making this airplane my own "dream" plane.

So this Friday with the aid of my 22year old CFI we will transport the airplane to XP Services in Tullahoma, TN to do the following:

Install 2 x AV-30C
Remove vacuum system
Install Aerocruz 100
Install EI CGR-30P
Replace King audio panel with Garmin GMA-345
Replace King 170B with MX 170C
Replace King transponder with Garmin GTX-325 mode C
The airplane had Garmin 430WAAS installed in 2019

During its recent annual I already did:
Install Precision Vertical Card Compass (sweet)
Replace landing and tail light with LED models Wheelan WAT's
Had the gross weight STC signed off
Replaced the fogged up VSI

Maybe by the time this is done I will be legal!

Call me crazy, but also call me excited!


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