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I read this thread with interest since I wear both hats and do my own work in almost all aspects airframe and powerplant. If I were pushed for time and work was monopolizing my time before a long trip I would pay the $300 for the oil change so I wouldn't have to rush through an oil change. I think most agree that is a formula for disaster. I believe an oil change should be more than draining oil and slapping a filter on. If you are maintaining a 50 hour regime for oil changes you really need to do a visual inspection of the engine bay to include hoses and all hardware as well as vibration effects and chaffing problems. In terms of airplane dollars $300 is not unreasonable when it includes the oil and filter. If your a "tight ass" I get it you hate paying for something you can do but sometimes it makes sense. Anyone that thinks changing oil without even taking the cowling off is the way to go I strongly disagree but that's ok we just agree to disagree.

 I have always done things myself but at 68 years old I don't have the stamina I used to so I pick the things I want to do or don't mind doing and pay someone else to do the other things like racking leaves. I hate racking leaves but I did it for years... no more. I have fewer years left than I've lived so I'm making choices based on quality of life and peace of mind.
