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Oil Burn and Oil Brands

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Dec 2, 2022
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Just looking for thoughts and/or experiences with oil burn in general and also with respect to specific oil brands and weights.

I recently changed my oil. I’ve been using AeroShell W100 Plus, but after a little research decided to try Phillips XC 20w50 with Camguard for the colder seasons. Normally my Cherokee 160 likes to run with about at 5 1/2 qts, adding a pint every 1.5 to 2 hours. In the 2 years I’ve owned it, it seems to blow out anything above 5.5, especially if I run faster. I added 6 qts at the change, and after 3 flights totaling almost 4 hours I hadn’t seemed to burn a measurable amount. The next flight we ran a little harder and finally seemed to use about a pint. It could be my imagination, but it seemed just a bit lighter in color too. Normally it darkens up pretty quick. Thoughts?

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