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For Sale New Lycoming narrow deck cylinder kit for 0320 engines. P/N 05K21101.

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Oct 15, 2023
Reaction score
Folks, I have a New Lycoming narrow deck cylinder kit for 0320 engines. Lycoming P/N 05K21101. Complete kit in Factory box with new piston, rings, wrist pin, gaskets, wrist pin plugs and new cylinder. Ready to install. We inadvertently purchased it as a spare for a training aircraft belonging to a customer and should have order a wide deck kit. By the time we needed to use it it was too late to return it for refund. This kit has never been installed, only opened to place a desiccant pack for storage and again when we wanted to install and discovered the error. Currently is difficult to find for purchase and is listed at $2146.00 on back order. I have it posted on ebay for a significant discount.

R/ Subsusnret.

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