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Hello Everyone,

I have a '67 140, original fuel selector valve with the flat metal cover (called Gen 1 from what I've read).  I have ordered all the parts to replace this with a new Allen selector P/N 6S122.  I have the new plastic fuel selector valve handle with the metal insert, a new plastic cover, and the fuel selector cover mounting plate.  I am referencing SB 840A, SB 1309A, SL 1273A, and SB 355. 

I have attached a photo of my current fuel selector valve from which it is clear to see how to replace it with the new one - fuel line coming into the left is from left tank, right from right tank, and bottom is to engine.  P/N 6S122 has the same two mounting screw holes and, when installed, would have the same left/right/bottom openings.  Totally makes sense. 

My question is this.  When I put the new fuel selector valve handle (big red one with white line that can only be installed one way) on the new fuel selector valve (6S122) and look at the holes that open/close based on the position of the fuel selector, the fuel selector valve handle is pointing up when the right and bottom holes are open and pointing right when the left and bottom holes are open, which makes no sense. 

I must be missing something...  Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.
