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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
It seems to me that communication among the folks in the various

Aviation groups in a given area is not as good as desired.

Over the last few years I wound up in a situation to do something

about this.

Currently I fwd e-mail to about 400 people in the Western New York area.

BFR's wanted, Tailwheel Bearings needed, Fly-in's, meetings , parties,

folks that have left us, Aviation History. Aircraft for sale & wanted etc.etc.

This is Aviation- Only mail.

NO Politics, Religion, Jokes or Disparaging Remarks.

It is fwd as a BCC to anyone that wants it.

Until recently I was able to fwd to one group.

G-Mail says it's Spam & would not send.

I now have broke it into 8 groups.

Slight changes in the Subject for each group work as well.

Anyone else doing something like this or

have suggestions to avoid the " Spammer" dilemma?
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