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Narco adf 841 tso... help

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Need some urgent advise / help

So I've been working towards my ifr flight test. During today's flight my narco 841 adf kinda quit working, I know recently during the past few months it's been unreliable.
Basically if I tune it to a local am radio station it works fine, but when I tune to an ndb sometimes it works sometimes it parks the needle.

I can identify an am radio station (listen to the music) in both ant and adf and adf bfo modes and the needle will point to the am radio station

Sometimes I can identify an ndb and it points to the station sometimes it will park the needle and I can't hear the station on either ant or adf but when it's acting up like this I can identify the station in adf bfo but it obviously won't work in this mode

Provided I can hear the Morse code in adf mode it will point to the station but this doesn't always happen

I know that this model narco has a "safety feature" where If the unit thinks the ndb station strenght isn't strong enough to complete an approach it silences the mores code and parks the needle.

I believe this is what's happening

Any suggestions on what to try? I have to have it functioning for the flight test, or I would have to get another gps installed to replace it if I don't use an adf

Unfortunately my aircraft doesn't have dme equipment

Most of our approaches have the faf as an ndb so it becomes a legal issue for filing ifr

The equipment I have are as follows

Gns 430w
Sl30 Nav/com
Narco 841 adf

So basically 2 vor's both with ils capabilities
And wass gps
And adf

The issue that comes up is if I tag the adf as "INOP" for the flight test and I'm flying say the localizer 30 approach into cyhm the faf is the binbrook beacon. I can use the 430w to identify the faf, the missed approach is based on a different beacon the ancastor beacon, if the 430 fails then I have no way of identifying the beacon for the missed approach, (but if my adf works then all would be ok)
Their is 1 local airport that could be filed as an alternate provided I had dme (another source than the 430 (assuming the 430 is failed)) but dme equipment is fairly expensive not to mention most vor's/dme are being de commissioned up here in Canada

Looking for some suggestions, I think my options are very limited either fix/replace with a serviceable adf or pull it and get a second gps

Anyone know of a good place to have my narco repaired?

I've attached he plate for the approaches at cyhm even the ils uses a ndb so pretty screwed if the adf doesn't work and if the 430 fails

Thanks guys


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