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Moving the battery box from under the seat to behind the bulkhead.

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Nov 5, 2015
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I have a 1967 140 with a few modifications. the biggest was completed in 1971 at 1711 hr total time. An O-360-A4A engine and new prop was installed on a Form 337. The form stated " All parts changed as per Piper Specifications to make airframe and components the same as PA-28-180 with the exception of battery location....."

The rear bulkhead was moved back a station and the composite hat self bulkhead was installed. A baggage compartment floor was added, but no baggage door. With the heaver O-360, and not moving the battery I find that the W&B tends to be forward.... too much. Full fuel and 2 people up front is right at the FWD limit, even having some weight in the baggage area to help it still lands flat and could use some improvements.

So thinking of moving the battery behind the bulkhead, like a 180 has.... looking at the parts list, and not finding a clear path as to what is needed to support the battery box. What is a way to find the needed support parts, brackets, doublers, and related stuff to make this work??.. and how to get the battery cable back up to the relay. I assume the relay is still under the seat??.. anyone have photos of there 160/180 battery installation??..

In the planning stages currently.... getting a knee replaced next month and will not be flying for a few months allows some time to "make improvements"....

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