Today I was flying the BE58 in Microsoft FlT Sim X at KBDR. I shot the VOR 29 and went missed due to no runway at mins. In the hold I set up for the ILS 6. At the GS intercept point, the GS was still full scale up. About 40 seconds later as I crossed Stane where I should have been at 1687' and on the GS, I still had a full up indication. Since it was only the sim, I held altitude and eventually intercepted the GS for an uneventful landing. I assumed a sim glitch, but decided to do a replay of the previous 15 minutes. Some of you have probably already guessed it, but on my miss I had leveled 1000' low. I have been flying for over 45 yrs, military, airline, corporate and GA with over 17,000 hrs in my logbook. The only time I had ever missread my altimeter was one time when I was a solo student in the T38. I misread it by 10,000' which really wasn't that hard to do since that sucker could climb and descend at well over 10,000 fpm. The bottom line is don't think it can't ever happen to you, and just because someone has gobs of experience and is considered an above average stick it doesn't mean that they can't screw up a simple task.