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Looking for an A&P to do a pre-inspection buy at HWO North Perry, FL on a 1979 Piper Lance/Saratoga.

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user 21687

New Member
Dec 28, 2020
Reaction score
As stated in the subject line, looking for any recommendations on an A&P that is familiar with a Piper Lance/Saratoga Turbo. This could be my first airplane buy so I want it to be thorough. The aircraft is located at HWO (North Perry airport). I took a look at it yesterday and flew it around but my experience is with military jets and KingAir’s. Hopefully there is an A&P close by that is willing and has time to do this. Just looking for solid recommendations from members of this forum. I currently live in eastern North Carolina so I can’t be around while it’s getting the pre-inspection done. Thanks in advance.

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