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Location of an electronic OAT

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Active Member
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
My question pertains to where to locate a digital OAT probe on a PA28R-180.

Here is my particular situation. I just had a very reputable avionics shop install a pair of G5s in my Arrow. However, after a few test flights, the OAT on the G5 is reading approximately 12° F high at cruising altitude. This is confirmed using the old window meat thermometer as well as placing an another digital temperature probe out the pilots window. These two other sources very closely match the winds aloft forecast temperature at 6000 feet.

The probe is mounted on the belly of the airplane in the tail section about 2 feet back from the battery box on the left of the centerline of the airplane. The exhaust, which we suspect plays a role, is a standard two pipe configuration that leaves the front cowling on the right side from a Lycoming IO360.

So my question is, if you have an older short, fuselage Arrow and you have a digital temperature probe where is it mounted that gives accurate readings?

Garmin has a new directive telling my shop that the probe should be mounted on the belly to keep it out of the sun.

PS: we’re trying to avoid mounting it in the wing to avoid an overly long CANBUS line because the magnetometer is also mounted in the tail.

And by the way, I love the dual G5s matched with an Avidyne IFD440 and an STEC30 auto pilot.

So, if you are familiar with this particular configuration, I’d be very interested in how it’s configured.

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