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LEMO jack wiring directly to PS Engineering panel

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Mar 18, 2017
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I have decided to convert the headset jacks in the front office to LEMO plugs. We always run ANR, few other people sit in the front of our plane, and I can use a LEMO to dual GA adapter when someone brings a standard header with them.

That said, much of the wiring diagrams out there assume you want to add LEMO plugs in addition to your standard jacks. I do not prefer this, as I like one clean jack in the panel, as opposed to three.

I reached out to PS engineering and was semi-politely told to kick rocks. They build a very good product, but it’s been my experience of late that the answer will usually be “talk to an avionics shop” or “have spruce build you a harness.” They also said they “highly recommend” keeping the standard headset jacks.

Cirrus and Beech now come with LEMO standard, and I believe they no longer give you both sets of jacks. It appears direct connections can clearly be done.

My main question has to do with the headphone lo input. The standard jacks have this wired to the barrel of the plug. The LEMO, however, does not have a barrel as-such, and doesn’t provide a wire for a headphone lo. It does have a ground wire (as well as shield drain wires), but that’s likely meant to be a power ground for the ANR circuit.

Any words of wisdom from those who have gone LEMO only?

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