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Wanted to close the loop on my situation.  Based on a few things, including the fact that I had ordered the power pack before fully exploring other options and that there was going to be a hefty re-stocking fee, I decided to have the OHC unit installed. It was purchased from Aviall and overhauled by Aerospace Turbines, which is supposed to be one of the better shops for this.

It functioned perfectly on the jacks for 6 cycles and I flew home. When I arrived at my home field the gear would not respond to the switch and I had to gravity extend again. The short story on that is that the OHC unit lasted exactly 6.5 cycles before the motor developed a "dead-spot."

Ultimately, my shop was able to take my old motor and replace the brushes and clean up a few things and it now works better than ever.

Very frustrating. The OHC unit was from Aerospace Turbine Rotables, which probably has the better reputation its peers. When we called them, they offered to take back the motor and fix it with a 60 day turn-around. Ugh...

Luckily I am back in the air and back to normal.

I should have followed Don’s advice and just had the brushes replaced in the beginning.

