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Lance vs Turbo Lance Operating Costs?

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Jun 13, 2017
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I don't post much as my participation in forums or social media usually does not end well, but I don't know if any other way to find the info I need. I am in the middle of my research of what plane I'll get in the next year or so. I keep coming back to a Turbo Lance. There are two driving factors.

One is I live in Oregon and to maximize use of a plane I need to haul me and another guy, 180 lbs of competition shooting gear x 2, and fly to Missoula in the summer. Add in overnight clothes and that is 800 lbs of load. There is a very good chance I'll want to leave at 4 PM to go home and I REALLY like the idea of around 1000 fpm on initial climb.

The second factor is I am 59 and I want this first airplane to be my last. So far everything I have researched doesn't scare me off a t-tail, as I have experienced similar characteristics in other aircraft I have flown. To me the answer has always been to fly the numbers and don't be sloppy about airspeed control on final. Also, on takeoff set takeoff trim and rotate at rotation speed. Everything seems to work well then.

In all my research and lurking what I have not come across is a discussion of the difference in operating costs between a Lance and a Turbo Lance. The initial purchase price seems to be about the same, the insurance is the same, and even the cruise gph seems the same. It does appear the engine overhaul cost is 30-40% more, and I have seen where a turbo often needs to be rebuilt at around half of the engine TBO.

It also seems that things like Gami's, Intercoolers, and a good engine monitoring gauge are a big help.

So how much more maintenance cost is the turbo? What have I not considered?

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