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Lance panel trim and lighting

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'79 PA32RT-300T
Supporting Member
Apr 14, 2018
Reaction score
SF bay area
As part of my "no 3 greens" issue (bad rheostat switch in the top rheostat), I took off a lot of the plastic trim to remove the dimmer assembly and see if I had any dead bulbs in the panel. It turns out that all the bulbs are working, but not as bright as I'd like. I plan to redo the lighting when I do my GPS/glass update later in the year. In the short term, I have some general questions regarding the trim and lights that I'll combine below:

A. The current bulbs are blue in color (9 in the upper left panel). Is this standard? Are there brighter replacement bulbs available?

B. How do you remove the bulbs? They are recessed some and have a small (spring?) tab on each side. I tried to dig one out and only managed to push it 1/4" back into the panel. :(

C. I was going to take the throttle quadrant trim off to check the friction lock washers (per another thread here). The 2 screws underneath removed easily and look like standard trim screws. The 2 screws on each side (4 total) look longer and different. Do they do more than hold on the trim piece? (I don't want to mess with throttle adjustments, etc.) Can they be easily removed?


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