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Lance broken nose gear cylinder

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Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
I was about 10 minutes from my destination and heard a loud bang and felt it in the floorboard under my feet. The airplane was flying normal so I continued to my destination. I entered the downwind and attempted to lower the gear. I got the 2 mains down but the nose gear would not come down. I then used the emergency extension handle and the nose gear extended but the green light never illuminated and I still had a gear unsafe light illuminated. I then did a couple low passes so a pilot on the ground at the airport could verify the nose gear was down. It appeared the gear was down so I executed a landing without further incident.
When I shut down I found the nose gear cylinder had broken from the fuselage mount. Unfortunately, when the cylinder broke away it also damaged the gear down switch.
All in all, a pretty bad day.
I cruised several internet sites looking for information on this problem and it seems this isn’t an uncommon problem.
I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them?


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