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Issues Solved GI 275 Horizon Line Adjustment and AP Roll Control

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Feb 15, 2012
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Got my plane back with the GTN 650xi and three GI 275s and working the learning curve. Two issues to work through, if I can, before I can get to the avionics shop Monday. If anyone has input on these issues please respond.

1. The ADI (Attitude Indicator) shows 5 degrees up at rest. I thought it was because a Cherokee tends to sit a bit nose high. However, in flight observation shows this to be consistent. Aligning with the horizon line causes a descent. Conventional Attitude Indicators always have a horizon line adjuster to compensate for different height pilots. It’s always something we reach for in setting up the panel. So I just can’t conceive that the horizon line is not adjustable in the GI 275 and there must be a way. However I can’t figure it out. Anyone have info on this?

2. I can’t figure out how to engage roll steering in an approach. Heading indicator works ok with the AP but does not relinquish control if left on when the approach starts and I am told that roll steering requires use of the heading mode. Engaging high gain track in the GPS approach the AP works ok but doesn’t make the 90 degree turns. I have a possible solution from studying the GTN 650xi Pilots Guide. Outputs for King KAP 10/KFC 225 require manual activation. This requires responding to a message with a button “Enable APR Output”. I think I recall my Avionics shop having to reconfigure my STec 20 to emulate a King autopilot so maybe this idea is the key. Anyone have info on this point?
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