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Oct 9, 2020
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Sorry long thread lol. Still new to aircraft ownership and still in the process of getting my PPL. So eight months ago a local CFI I used to help ferry my plane back originally didn’t want to help me continue my training once I got the plane to my airport because he felt it was too far for him to travel and he had enough students. Fair enough no problem. Fast forward to June I get a call from him asking to make a deal because he needs to get 300 hours in for his ATP I think that’s what he said and would like to use my plane while doing it. This is the deal he offered:

“Here’s what I’m thinking for letting me fly the aircraft for just the cost of fuel.

Basically I would offer to sublet/manage your aircraft. I’d do this in partnership with my cfi friend who teaches since we’d be flying together/splitting fuel costs. No other students etc would be flying the airplane.

We’d be willing to pay the cost of the hangar, general wear and tear, oil changes etc. We'd also be willing to give you free instruction for private through commercial (Full disclosure, I’m trying to be out of Ohio and at an airline by the end of Fall). My friend and I could help with ground and I could come out to fly with you at your airport. My only prior commitments are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday night. We’d also go through the logs/poh and make sure oil changes and the annual are up to date.

Also, we would put a portable ac or something similar in the airplane you could keep. The name of the game is aircraft longevity and hours, so any flying we do would be low stress on the airframe and kind to the tires/engine.

The only things we wouldn’t offer to cover would be major maintenance that doesn’t stem from low stress flying or hangar costs if it’s down for one of these issues. (E.g engine issues, corrosion, corrosion based problems, etc.—basically, issues that were already manifesting from external factors.) Also, FYI, I have non-aircraft owner insurance.

Ultimately, while we’re putting time on the engine, we want to make the airplane nicer than when we first flew it. We’d be down to grab lunch or dinner sometime so you can meet my friend and talk about your training, airplane, any questions etc.”

I currently have a CFI who says that they will be chewing into my TBO time. My current CFI is always available and really doesn’t charge me much $40. I have a Cherokee 140/160 with 176 SMOH. Also the hours I would be able to use him for instruction he is unavailable. Does this sound like any kind of deal to allow the use of my plane?

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