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Is AP upgrade worth it?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2015
Reaction score
Chattanooga TN
I'm pulling the trigger on avionics upgrades. I'm having a GTN750, GTX345 and Sandia 340 installed. I have an Autocontrol III (Century II) AP. The avionics shop seems to be appalled that I'm not planning an upgrade to Stec AP. So much so that they are willing to install a system at a ridiculous price. They seem adamant I need a Stec 55 or at least an Stec 30.

My current AP is just a wing leveler with a heading bug. But, my plane trims out really well. I have no problems maintaining a steady altitude and trimming for yaw. Why are they so appalled that I don't see a need for an upgrade? I'm a relatively new pilot and I'm just starting instrument training. I'm not familiar with the benefits of a newer and better AP. Please help me understand. i.e. someone convince me to spend the money on a new Stec system.

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