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iPad pro 11” review

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Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
My old iPad was losing battery charge too fast, so I splurged and upgraded to a new iPad pro 11”. This model has the new Apple M1 processor, which is supposed to be fast, light on the battery, and generate less heat. So far it is living up to that billing. I haven’t felt get even warm to the touch. Today it was a bright CAVU day, so I went for a $100 hamburger for lunch. After an hour of flying+pre and post flight, it still had 80% battery left. It is significantly brighter than my previous mini 5, which on the same flight would be down to 20% battery. I had no issue with the very bright sunshine today. It is fast, everything loads quicker, and the wifi is much faster.
Overall I’m very pleased with it, and would say it’s worth the premium over the regular iPad models with the ARM processors.

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