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iPad Mini 4 - 64gb & X-Naut cooling case $450

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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2017
Reaction score
iPad Mini 4 with cellular
64 GB

Like new condition – no scratches, dents, marks or damage.

The battery is in good condition and holds a charge for hours.

X-Naut Cooling Case ! ! !
Zagg glass screen protector
Soft neoprene carry case
Otter box hard case
Complete yoke mount and extra holder if you want to keep the iPad in the Otter Box (did this before I got the X-Naut cooling case)
Power charger & lightening cable

I’ll also include a non activated T-Mobile SIM so you don’t get an annoying nag message if you do not subscribe to a cellular carrier.

$450.00 for everything.... includes shipping.

Please do not ask if I’ll take less as this is a super deal at this price.

I can take payment via PayPal.

If you see this posting then the iPad is still available. The posting will be deleted as soon as a sale is finalized.

Selling as a package only. Will not sell the X-Naut Cooling Case separately.

USA sale only.

NOTE #1: Cross posted on other aviation sale sites.

NOTE #2: The iPad will be reset to factory settings with all my software and settings erased. It will be ready for you to setup, when you receive it, with IOS 12.0.1 installed.
Settings Screen.jpg
Charger.jpg Mount.jpg Soft case.jpg

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