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Interesting radio problem

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Dec 27, 2017
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When I bought my Cherokee, COM 1 was a Narco MK12d+. It worked fine until about September (9 months). After that point, it would receive normally, but only transmit carrier. I had an avionics guy test out some stuff for me and he determined that the continuity across the relevant wires was fine, therefore deeming the radio itself the culprit. I then purchased another Narco MK12d+ from a member on this forum. I pulled the old one, slid in the new one, and it worked great! ....for about 3 months. NOW, the second one doesn't work either. However, it won't receive either. It lights up, and otherwise "looks" normal. But no activity from it.

In summary, I've now had two separate MK12d+'s fail whilst installed in my COM 1 slot in the last three months. I have a hard time thinking this is coincidence. I think my airplane is eating Narco's. Really.

I am going to put the first one back in and see if it still, at least, receives. If it does, I can talk on COM 2 and get ATIS and such on 1 can get by. My COM 2 is an old King so doesn't have a flip flop function, but not a big deal.

I am happy to send out one or both Narco's for repair, but am afraid I sink several hunnert into one and toss it back in only to have it fry again a few months later.

Has anyone ever experienced this?

I could reinvent the wheel and just have all the wiring replaced including putting in a new radio, but of course that the pricy option. I have a Terra 340d audio panel.

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