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Intercom Issues

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Nov 26, 2015
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Hi group, I am getting frustrated with my intercom. I hope someone might have suggestions on how to troubleshoot my intercom issue. Attached is a pic showing what I have installed.

Here is what it does: When the plane is jarred (bump in the taxi-way/ some landings, etc.), on occasion, the intercom light will no longer illuminate, and will be become inoperable. The real kicker is that the fail-safe mode (keeping the pilot headset "live" to talk via the radio) does not work. I need to revert to the handheld radio at this point. Hence lies the first frustration.

After taxiing back to hanger and shutting down the engine, I tried to cycle the on/off knob to the intercom (with master on, of course) and NOTHING. Does not come back on. I let the plane set for a day or two, go back out to plane turn master on, and intercom works like it was never broke!

I have had avionics shop pull the intercom and radio for a bench test. They could not duplicate the failure. They re-installed it, taxied the plane, and could never get it to fail. I was hoping taking the intercom out and back in would "connect" a possible loose wire somewhere? The plane was good for 4-5 short flights without incidence until some touch and goes a few days ago. Same thing, went back out tonight, turned master on, and intercom was alive again! The ONLY thing I am doing that has anything to do with electrical is connecting my battery tender after every flight.
I appreciate any advice!


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