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IFR training...how much do I spend on the plane?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Reaction score
I'm kind of at a crossroads.

I've got about 40 hours of flying since I passed by private checkride. I want to continue up the ladder and start training for instrument rating.

I don't have an IFR GPS. Currently equipped with a pair of old King VORs, one with GS and one without, and a VFR GPS, an Apollo 820 that I plugged in along with an antenna, to replace an old LORAN.

I've always got my eyes open for deals, so I've accumulated some stuff like a KING KLN90B, a KMD150, and a MSI VOR Selector/annunciator. I don't think I would use the KMD, since anything it can do (including geolocating your position on the approach plate for situational awareness) my tablet and software can do way better.......

My IA is awesome, but he has never done much with avionics and doesn't want to either.

I'm wondering if I have the equipment I need to set up the current plane as a decent IFR trainer. And how many hours would it take to wire and install this stuff and do the IFR cert in my plane? And is it worth it? We have a few independent avionics guys wondering around since we have so many airports. But I don't want to approach any of them until I have a good idea what I want to do, and a ballpark idea how much it should cost.

The plane is an early 140 without a baggage door, pretty low useful load, and of course has high/hot limitations. So it's probably not smart to spend too much on it....................

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