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IFR GPS cost

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
I'm building a fund on the side for some kind of improvement to my Warrior II. The main candidates are a new, less spine-twisting interior (mine is vintage 1979) or an IFR GPS.

I just got a ballpark figure from a Canadian avionics shop of USD 15,000 for a Garmin GTN 650 installed, before tax (I won't name the dealer, since it wasn't a proper quote). They said I'm looking at around $5K for labour anyway, so buying a used 430W probably doesn't make sense. If I put in a new transponder with ADS-B in/out at the same time, it would be a total in the vicinity of USD 20,000 before tax.

Are these numbers comparable to what I'd see in the US? Northeastern NY state is only a 30 minute flight away, but there would be some extra costs involved bringing the new gear back into Canada. Still, if the difference is big enough, it could be worthwhile.

Or I could just get nicer upholstery...


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