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How to Stow Seneca III Tow Bar?

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Oct 9, 2023
Reaction score
Ithaca, NY
Hi Internet Friends,

I feel like a bit of an *****, but neither myself nor my CFIs nor a few of my fellow club members have quite figured out how to get the tow bar back into the clips in the nose baggage (after popping it out assuming it would be quite straightforward to get back in.

If anyone has a picture of how this goes or some coaching on how best to get it in, this would be much appreciated. I always try to get the FBO to do all the work when I'm traveling, but like the sense of security of having the tow bar just in case (I'm also waiting for a Sidewinder to arrive, which while heavier, is even more suited to this use case and will require alternative stowage).

Any advice is appreciated in advance, thanks! 🙏

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