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How to get more airflow into the back seats on a 140

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Nov 5, 2015
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After flying 7 hours to AZ and back, my daughter who sat in the back stated that there is no airflow back there..... and in looking I have to agree, there are no vents, on the roof or on the floor, and nothing in the windows...

This is a 1967 140 that has the rear bulkhead moved back a station, to make a large baggage area, with a hat shelf, but no baggage door... When I first got the plane she complained about air blowing out of the side panel which I removed and replaced and "fitted" better that covered a gap but now doesn't have air flowing out of it... may just need to re-adjust it to allow air in from the tail cone.

This aircraft has the very small vents at the front seats on the side, and in the door with the knobs that open and close a small door to the outside, and one under the instrument panel that has a cable to open and close.. there is not much airflow at all.... there is a outlet vent on the top with a rear facing vent cover on the top of the aircraft. the small vents and doors in the front really do not move much air, so would be considered the least way to go... Adding a NACA duct to the side with an outlet may be good also.

So the question is, how to increase the airflow to the back seat area, and to the front if able... Can window vents be added??... Aircraft Spruce has some in there catalog, but they do not close completely... I had the thought of adding the same small door type vent that is in the door and sidewall to the back area, to replace the ashtray.. one on both sides of the fuselage.. would most likely require a Form 337 to cover the change..

So any other ideas??... what works?... I did make an Air Coolendooler... the ice powered air conditioner that somewhat works... but do not want the weight all the time...

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