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How many are landing their Cherokees to fast?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score
How many of you are landing your cherokees to fast? If I come down final at 80mph, I float down the runway. If I come down final at 75mph, it is usually a solid landing. I have vg's installed and once they were installed I had to lower my speed over the fence to 70mph or it would balloon up on me in the flair. I got my license with out them installed and always used 80mph on final. It's hard for me to get myself to fly final at 75mph now after doing it so long at 80. 75 is were it needs to be with 2 noches of flaps, it I use 3 notches it should be about 70 down final. The cherokees are good at floating over the runway if you carry to much speed in. What do you all do?

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