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Help selling a pa-28-160

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Hi guys, I’m trying to sell my 1962 piper Cherokee 160, but need some advice on how and where to sell to get a decent value for the time and money spent on the plane as well as giving a decent price to a potential buyer. I want to be honest and upfront with the buyer because I honestly see a decent value in the plane. The plane is just barely past TBO and priced accordingly, 3550TT, new paint, interior and wheel pants. New muffler, and recently replaced the magnetos and harness, fuel pumps, starter, alternator, carburetor, JPI fuel flow, and Garmin ADS-B Out with gps. I have multiple STCs including the strobes and wheel pants/fairings as well as the AMRD STCs. I started at $37k, but dropped it to $33,000 as I think that’s the most fair.


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