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Hello from a newbie

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2017
Reaction score
Hi all, just stopped by say hi. New to aviation, presolo student. Regular member of pilots of America forum and see a few offenders from there here as well 😉😉. Eyeing at a archer II right now to complete my training and get IFR down the road. Pleasure flying only. Initially thought about getting a 172, but the more I talk to people and do my research, I am inclined towards archer. Seems people love it and keep it for a long time and serves their purpose. My mission would primarily be some 400 - 600 nm xc once a month may be, and others within 100-200 miles to begin with. I don't have to go somewhere in a hurry, if i do, I will fly commercial.

Anyways, enough blabbering... Hi from a new guy and expect lot of questions 😉😉

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