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GTN750xi w/GMA35c vs GTN650xi w/PMA450c

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Mar 8, 2022
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So the time has come to do some upgrades, but I'm having some challenges deciding the best way to go and hoping some of you folks who use this equipment can weigh in please. I will be going with either the 750 or 650, and what determines which one will likely be based on which flight instruments I go with, dual Gi275's or G3X/G5. Space is not an issue. What I am looking for is to learn from the experience of you folks with this equipment to help me determine if this technology will really provide me with the value and safety in the air with the type of flying I do. My plane is a PA-28R-201T and do a moderate amount of cross country flying along the north east.

- From an audio panel perspective, how easy is working with the GMA35C in flight? I am used to physical buttons to switch comms, monitor com2 for ATIS or listening to NAV1/2 for the morse code...for those of you flying with the 750 and the 35C, what is your experience with this? I've used PS engineering audio panels before and their reputation for quality is well earned. If I go with the dual Gi275's, then the 750 makes sense, but I feel like if I go with the 750 then I'm missing out if I don't pair it with the 35C. There is also the telligence voice control feature, but I feel as if that's kind of a cool feature that will rarely be used.

- From an IFR perspective, one of the things I like about the G3X and the 750 is the ability to have geolocated plates on screen. Presently I use foreflight for that, and it works well, however I see having that on the panel as an advantage and an aid in reducing work load. For you folks with either system, do you find that using plates on either system to be an effective tool? Or is it really no different or perhaps more cumbersome than using foreflight?

Thank you,

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