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yes, we do have Garmin service centers from coast to coast and from our initial communication this was a problem from the start of the install. we always recommend that the owner go back to the installer right after the install so we can address any possible installation related issues. we will however cover any warranty costs to replace a defective LRU under the current new installation warranty policy at any Garmin service center if we're working with them and have verified that an LRU has in fact failed.

No, by no means am I avoiding the original concerns. Ive not yet seen or been provided any data to determine if there is an LRU failure. but I will reach out to the dealer for the data. No, until I can get details on this issue currently with the dealer, I cannot authorize this all under warranty. As i stated replacing a GSA servo does not necessitate the re-rigging of the control surface, but will get with the dealer on it.

Garmin did in fact issue an ASDN (Aviation Service Document Notification) to all registered owners of the GFC 500 system that have signed up for it. When a dealer performs an installation of any equipment we require them to register it with Garmin with the airframe and equipment information. Any customer can sign up for these alerts and if there is an ASDN issued it will come directly to your inbox. here is the link to sign up for these.

Subscribe to Alerts-Aviation

and here is the link to the ASDN that we issued in January 2021

GFC 500 vertical Speed Inertial Gain Settings

If this was not completed correctly please contact your installing dealer and request this be completed so you can get these alerts when they're released.
