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Garmin pink line question

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Junior Member
Sep 12, 2016
Reaction score
Ok, today in the terminal some guys, me included after awhile started arguing over Garmin gps and the direct to button and how it works. In my Garmin and everyone I used in four different training planes, the direct to button draws a pink or magenta line on your map and then the plane can fly over it or beside it or what have you. Well one guy, and this is how the argument starting, has a 496 and when he pushes direct to, and then enters a airport, the magenta line is always pointing from where his plane is to where the airport is, so it moves with his airplane. It took us a while to figure this out, hence the argument , but then the argument was about his unit not working right. I am wondering if there is a a setting or something that would cause his gps to behave this way that the rest of us haven’t heard of? I am not a Garmin expert by a long ways, nor is the guy who’s 496 behaves this way. He is a new pilot who has only flown with his gps in his plane and no others, and he never had the gps in the plane while he was training
, which is why he didn’t know the the pink line is usually stationary...

Anyway, anyone know what setting this is or is it a glitch?

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