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Garmin Pilot questions

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Nov 5, 2015
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Need help better understanding Garmin Pilot.... I have used GP since I started flying again a few years ago, and find it to be most helpful... I have it on my phone so I can check flight times, routing and all that bench flying during boring meetings,,,, I upgraded my phone to the Samsung S8+, and what a difference from the s5 that I had... much better graphics and so much faster.. love it. Currently have GP 6.0.5 on the phone.

In the plane I have a Samsung tab 4 7 inch tablet... running GP 4.4.5,,, and its is slow, not as good graphics, but as it only is used when flying the plane it does the job very well... it is mounted on a yoke mount, and is using a GDL39 for GPS and related weather and traffic input. I do not have the GDL393d as I do not fly in clouds.

1) Why is my phone running 6.0.5 and the tablet running 4.4.5??.. Is there a way to have them the same, both 6.0.5??

2) What Android tablet would be a better upgrade if needed to get to 6.0.5??... faster processing speed and improved graphics would be nice, but woudl like an 8 inch or there abouts. having a 10 inch tablet on the bowtie control wheel may be too much.

3) Where can I learn about the ADS-B traffic symbols and what they mean??. Diamonds, lines, +/- numbers.. I really need to understand it better here in So Cal...

I like garmin products, and thus FF and other programs I'm not really interested in looking into,, and Apples are for eating and giving to pretty teachers, not for iPad stuff... ok, my work cell is an iPhone 5 and I do not like it.

Is there a forum for Garmin Pilot users that like this one, is good with knowledgeable, helpful people,,, ( Not POA)


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