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Garmin GSA-28 servo life extension

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Jan 7, 2013
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Saw this posted on the Vans Air Force forum, not sure if it applies to Certified GFC500's, but here it is:

Good Morning,

We released a Service bulletin today that outlines a Service-Life Extension program for our GSA 28 Autopilot Servos. Garmin has implemented several design and manufacturing process improvements to improve GSA 28 reliability. The latest update has been added to a consolidation of all past improvements into a single effort that will best serve our G3X, G3X Touch and G5 autopilot customers. The Service-Life Extension Program allows up to five years to exchange, under warranty, all affected GSA 28 servos for servos marked with Mod 1.

While we are pleased many of you enjoy the seamless operation and utility your autopilot provides, we know some have experienced servo issues. As a result, Garmin has implemented several improvements within the current production servo design and manufacturing processes and we are confident these improvements will increase the reliability of the servo.

GSA 28 Part Numbers covered under this program:

  • All 011-02927-00 and 011-02927-11 GSA 28 units
  • All 011-02927-20 and 011-02927-21 GSA 28 units that are not marked with Mod 1

We’ve created a single location with instructions on how to locate serial numbers on your displays, compare those to known affected part numbers/serial numbers and instructions for the most efficient next steps to move forward. If your initial installation occurred before the Fall 2022 timeframe, your aircraft is likely impacted.

For those with servos in the affected serial number range, you can perform the servo replacement at a time of your choice, pending servo availability, like a regularly scheduled maintenance event. We are providing a 5-year window to exchange the servos, and from the time you process the exchange, a 6-month (or remaining factory warranty period if applicable) warranty period will begin.

Garmin will prioritize aircraft with the replacement of all servos, should one become inoperative.

For those that have already paid for servo replacements outside of warranty, please email [email protected].

Please send any questions you may have our way!



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