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Garmin GFC 500 - Flying a procedure turn - disconnect

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Aug 20, 2023
Reaction score
Johnson City, TN
My plane, N32303 PA32-300 Cherokee Six, is equipped with a G3X, GTN750xi, GTN650xi, G5, and GFC500 Autopilot. I’ve flown the plane just over 100 hours since I bought it. I have PPL and IFR and am working on commercial certificate now which has led to me flying a variety of approaches with an instructor.

Recently we were testing the autopilot coupled approaches to help me get familiar with various aspects of my ‘new to me’ plane. On three different occasions now I have had AP disconnect when entering a hold or flying a procedure turn. I am hypothesizing from watching the autopilot and the track on the G3X/GTN’s that I am flying to fast for the autopilot to follow the course (magenta line) it has laid out and when it exceeds a certain level of deviation it disconnects rather than fly outside the corridor it has programmed for that hold or procedure turn. Does this sound reasonable? I.e. — entering the hold at speeds closer to cruise rather than typical approach / hold speeds for example? The only reason I wonder if this is incorrect is my former plane was a Cirrus SR22 with GTN 750 and GFC 500 and I don’t recall it having this issue and it was flying faster speeds but obviously different plane, different servos, etc, etc.

Just curious if anyone has any additional thoughts. I’m going to test the same holds and procedure turns at appropriate approach / hold speeds next time and see if I get any disconnects. Obviously a disconnect in true single pilot IMC at an unfamiliar airport would be les than ideal.

Thanks for any thoughts!

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