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When I went to Garmin's website to download the updated G5 for certified aircraft software, and after loading the main "loader file" to my desktop, when double clicking on the .exe file, Windows Defender begins to complain etc. -- you can get around it, but it's interesting as I think the file has a descriptor on it that Windows 10 does not like.

That being said, I called Garmin and they said the G5's can only be loaded with new software by their designated dealers as they also need to have an authorized dealer put an entry into the logbook.

It's a less than 2 minute job (if Garmin had the right loader) and the dealer here wants $150.00 -- (it's inserting an SD micro card into the unit after power up)

Q:  I thought owners of certified aircraft having the Garmin  G5's installed were entitled to load upgraded software -- can I find that info somewhere in the STC ?   I remember being told it could be done --

Until they get the loader file to not get caught by the Windows Defender (whether on or off) to work,  then upgrading is rather mute at this point . . .
