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G5 question

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Dec 27, 2017
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My regular gyro AI is in need of an overhaul. Additionally, my altimeter is not properly calibrated. What I mean by that is that the kohlsman window is not synced up with the needle. For example, if I input the local altimeter setting, I end up about 175 feet off of field elevation. I'm VFR only right now, so have gotten into the habit of just entering field elevation before departure and calling it "good enough" or I just mentally adjust the stated altimeter setting before inputing. But, obviously, I need to get that fixed.

So, I'm up against needing to overhaul my AI and repairing/calibrating/replacing my altimeter. All in, that could run up close to 1 AMU.

I'm spitballing the idea of, instead, going with a single G5 (or similar unit) in the AI slot. I would retain my DG for now, but I could replace the cost of overhauling the AI and the cost of fixing the altimeter partially into the total cost of the G5. I'd end up using the G5 as the primary altimeter and would just set the analogue altimeter to match, even though the pressures in both windows would be slightly out of sync. Would this set up be acceptable for IFR certification?

It would obviously cost more than the overhaul option, but the incremental cost might be worth it.

Another question: If I am running a single G5 on the top, can I toggle the view to a DG readout on that same instrument should I choose to? I know folks go with dual G5's all the time, which per my knowledge are the same part number. Could I switch that single G5 from AI to DG view with a simple toggle?

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