I've got one of those G5 EFIS PFDs in my plane and I love it. Only weird thing is that sometimes, I see the battery indicator show up with a lightning bolt with a slash through it to its left. This only appears on some flights and vanishes during a subsequent flight. Resetting the unit in flight doesn't seem to affect it, and I don't observe any other problems.
In the manual, there is a "battery charge fault" indicator that shows a hollow lightning bolt over the battery, with a percentage to its left. That's similar to what I'm seeing, but not precisely the same. I wonder if maybe they changed how it looks between the release of the manual and the release of my version of the software?
If you have one of these, have you seen that indicator?
In the manual, there is a "battery charge fault" indicator that shows a hollow lightning bolt over the battery, with a percentage to its left. That's similar to what I'm seeing, but not precisely the same. I wonder if maybe they changed how it looks between the release of the manual and the release of my version of the software?
If you have one of these, have you seen that indicator?