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Fuel Guage Failed. Near VFR reserves! Only tank with fuel in it!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
My left main's fuel gauge failed at the most inopportune time on Friday.

I was flying to Santa Monica from Stockon CA. I was down to just my left main tank with about 10 gallons left. I was watching it pretty closely because I was cutting it close for VFR reserves. Flying over Van Nuys, I took another look and it was down to zero! In my mind I knew I was OK, but I was puckering big time. So I asked for a landing at Van Nuys. Slowed to best glide speed and pointed straight for the runway. Let the controller know that I suspected a failed fuel gauge but wanted to play it safe. He cleared me straight in.

Landed and refueled. There was still > 10 gallons in the tank. Scared the crap out of me though. Serves me right for not carrying way more fuel than needed.

And Murphy's law that it would fail when it's the only tank with fuel in it I guess.


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