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FS: 10% Off SwitcheOn Remote Power Control Device

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Jul 9, 2018
Reaction score
Now through March 31st, the very popular SwitcheOn Remote Power Control device is 10% off!

The Switcheon comes in a 2 (15 amp) or 4 (15 or 20 amp) channel device using cellular service that is included in the purchase price for the first year. It is a smart phone controlled device with the SwitcheOn app controlling 2 or 4 electrical plugs. I just received these devices in stock and they are ready to ship!

SwitcheOn can be bought from my website at SwitcheOn

- 2 or 4 channels and up to 15 amps (1800 watts)
- Temperature sensor
- Bright OLED display
- Local and ZULU time
- Signal status
- Power/port status
- Temperature
- Mobile apps for iOS and Android
- 2 channel $224.10 ON SALE!
- 4 Channel 15 Amp: $341.10 ON SALE!
- 4 Channel 20 Amp: $431.10 ON SALE!
- 1st-year service included renews for $50/year
- Automations for each channel
- Controlled by the box, these function without connectivity
- On temperature
- Off temperature
- On and off by time
- Uses LTE-M and NB-IoT bands deployed as part of 5G rollouts
- Operates much further from cellular towers than normal 3G or 4G
- Warranted as long as service is maintained
- Available custom options:
- World-wide service in 130 Countries
- 8 configurable analog / sensor inputs
- Up to 4 thermocouple inputs
- Additional custom sensor options


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