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FREE: Switchbox Remote PreHeat -- Tmobile SIM Card + Credit

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user 3909

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys

We are getting a lot of orders for TMobile Sim Cards, from Switchbox users starting up their boxes for the upcoming season. Thought we should give away this item, since so many people are looking to get one.

Simply post a picture of your plane here, or email to us, and we will ship out a free SIM card to one winner at random

Link here
[email protected]

Details here below

The SwitchBox

The easiest, cheapest and safest way to remote control any electrical device.

For Pilots: No more driving to the airport hours before a flight. Turn on your Engine Heater from your cellphone, and simplify your cold flying routine! TIP: Activate a 2nd device like a Cabin Heater for your sensitive avionics, or a Coffee Maker before you arrive!

For General Use: Your new 'Smart Home' with the easy automation from SwitchBox. Remote control your heating, lighting and air conditioning, from anywhere in the world. TIP: Turn On the A/C before you get home, or check to see if you left the lights On and turn them Off.


- Electrical: 120V/60hz. Max Power Handling 1800W

- Network: T-Mobile Preactivated, $3.00 credit on account included, Cost to run for the entire year ~$30

- Features: Custom Timer up to 18 hours, Security List for blocking unknown callers, Includes 10' extended Antenna

- Warranty: 1 year Mfr parts & labor, 30day money back guarantee, FCC and CE certified

- Operating Manual found at http://switchboxcontrol.com/s/switchboxmanual.pdf

- Shipping: In Stock


New FREE App Download here iPhone or iPad
Android here

All new SIM cards and SwitchBox units shipped to you guys, will include a free online account for checking credit usage and SIM account status (a feature requested by all).


Check below for images and new feature list.

- New SwitchBox App, for Free download on App store
- Using internet-based texting and phone calls, we were able to make an iPad tablet app and use Wifi only to trigger the Switchbox circuit
- SwitchBox company is paying for all customers "internet based" phone calls and text usage, included in purchase of a Switchbox. (SIM card rates still apply)
- Permits use of many Switchbox units at same time, on one App
- Graphical User Interface for Reception, ON/OFF status and SIM credit on account
- Outlet 1 "On/Off" button defaults to phone call operation only with initial App launch; Once phone button is deactivated, turns back to SMS style latching command
- All whitelist, password commands, etc are performed with App, no need to memorize any code


Pictures and Press Below










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