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Fouling Plug on Cyl 3

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tony la rotta

Oct 2, 2019
Reaction score
for you A&P gurus.

So I had to drop the cyl # 3 due to one of the screws that come out of the cylinder that attach the exhaust broke off. I hade it fixed at a shop and they re-attached a new one and problem solved. The Cylinder went back on the engine and I now after a flight or two i get a rough mag drop on the right mag check between 200-300 rpm. We removed the plugs which only have about 4 hours since new including a new harness and noticed the bottom plug very fouled up. we cleaned them, reinstalled, and also swapped the bottom to the top and vice versa. flew a 1 hour leg no issues on runup. get to destination and during mag check same issue but were able to lean it out and clear it and flew back home.

question is, this was not an issue till now. never had an issue with this so I appreciate any input to give my mechanic on Monday to look for.



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