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ForeFlight and New Version of Apple IOS

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Oct 22, 2011
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(KGAI) Gaithersburg, MD
I made one of the Stratux ADS-B receivers for my IA a few years ago. He sent me an email a week ago saying that it no longer worked with Foreflight. The GPS would not work nor traffic or weather. We did several checks and the Stratux was working fine. The problem was caused by the new IPAD IOS which now has a new setting for ForeFlight called "Local Network" which has to be turned on. Make sure that yours is turned on or you may encounter the same issue if your ADS-B receiver relies on Wi-Fi to connect. To check, go to IPad settings and go to the bottom of the menu and click on ForeFlight. Make sure that the "Local Network" is turned on.

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