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Flying I-80 across Wyoming

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
Reaction score

I'm wondering if I can get some input on flying a pa28-180 from NW Colorado to Kansas. I'm considering purchasing a 1965 180c that is on the western slope. I'm still waiting for a pre-buy inspection, but am trying to make plans in case the sale goes through.

My original plan was to fly daytime VFR, routing north into Wyoming up to I80 to get around the very high elevations of the rockies, then head SE around Cheyenne. I thought if I could leave near day break, I could fly in cooler air and out into eastern WY, NE Colorado by mid morning (about 250nm) and avoid a lot of wind issues.

In weighing options, I also spoke with a Ferry Pilot who said that I-80 is generally very dangerous due to high winds, and is NOT a route he would take. His preference would be to fly by himself through passes right through the rockies to get to the front range, and then I could take the airplane from there. He thought the cherokee 180 wouldn't perform well enough with 2 aboard to safely take that route.

Who has experience with I-80 in Wyoming? Is it truly a no-go zone, even if I can stay 2000+ ft AGL? (The route is mostly 8500' MSL or less) I was considering crossing at 12,500MSL.

What are everyone's thoughts?



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