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Flight stream 210

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Aug 4, 2017
Reaction score
So I admit that I have a Grumman Tiger but I have followed the piper forum closely for a couple of years as you guys provide some really good information. I have a question for anyone who is using a flightstream 210 with a 400W or a 430W and a Stratus ADSB in.
My set up is a Stratus for my ADSB in and would be the flight stream 210 using ForeFlight on my iPad. I have a Garman 400W which connects beautifully to my trio auto pilot. There has been a comment that with the iPad I can either use the Stratus for the ADSB in or the flight stream 210 to connect to the 400W but I have to disconnect either the Stratus or the 210 in order to use the other one. In other words I can’t have them both hooked up to my iPad at the same time. Is this correct? The Stratus connects to the iPad by Wi-Fi and the 210 uses Bluetooth so I would have thought they could both be active on the iPad at the same time. Looking to hear from people who are a lot smarter than me. Thanks all. Stay safe and wear your masks.

Ray Seligman

Sent from my iPhone

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