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I aware of that, but I reckon both can't be right. A six Ply tire is hardly 'Heavy Duty'. But let's face it, tires are relatively cheep maintenance give the time they last, so for a few extra dollars, I tend to go for what the maintenance manual calls for 8-ply heavy duty and as a poster said above "Too much plane for the tire". That's spot on in my opinion. Like I said fit what you will, but I would strongly recommend that you the 'big boys' tire over one that is more suitable for an arrow. The Lance also travels faster and is longer on the runway than the Arrow, The 8-ply will cope with the speed better.

Tires have to put up with more than you can imagine,  so to try and convince you, someone in the UK put  camera in a car tire, you might be interested because you might be able to imagine what your little wheel on your Lance has to put up with during take off and landing copy and paste this into your browser:-

[URL unfurl="true"]https://uk.motor1.com/news/437070/video-camera-inside-rolling-rim-tyre/[/URL]

Good luck with those 6-plys!
