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First IFR approach near minimums

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Jeff K

Senior Member
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Done a fair amount of IFR flying but today was my first approach near minimums. This was a VOR-A circling approach with light rime ice until I broke out. The published minimums called for ~500 feet and 1 mile visibility, I had 600-800 and 2 miles visibility (snow)


I have done ILS's to 400 foot ceilings (200 foot min) but this seemed much harder and I almost went missed until I broke out and saw the runway. I also lost approach on the radio as descended. Alot going on during this approach.

Not much of a question here other then looking for comments as to personal limits... I think this was it for me for now even though technically I was above the published limits by some margin. Can't really see doing it at the real minimums at this point in time.
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