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Filiform corrosion

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Dec 27, 2017
Reaction score
My airplane has several spots of filiform corrosion on it. All of it is on the bottom. About 80% is on the bottom of the fuselage and 20% on the bottom of the wings. Top of wings and fusealge are perfect.

The overall paint on the airplane is "good enough" to last 3-5 more years. A repaint is on my wish list, but really not until 2022. I know with a full repaint, they will strip it down, acid etch and alodine the whole thing, which would obviously take care of it. But, I need to do something to remove and treat these areas in the interim. My IA is game to take care of it at the annual in a few months. My question, however, is if left untreated - what kind of problem is this? Does this type of corrosion spread quickly or slowly and how long would it take before it progressed into a structural issue? I am 100% confident that everything I have is just light surface stuff as of right now.

Fortunately, all my issues are on the bottom of the airplane, so a perfect color match isn't a requirement, so long as its "decent" enough to get by until the full repaint.

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